Checkout is a safe payment method for you. We have a payment institution license granted by the Financial Supervisory Authority. The service is maintained by Checkout Finland Oy (business ID number 2196606-6) and Checkout Finland Oy is part of OP Financial Group.
The Checkout payment forwarding service forwards your payment to the merchant. If Checkout Finland Oy appears on your bank statement or credit card bill, we have forwarded your payment.
The online store acts as a marketer of products and services and as a supplier of products to the customer. The online store takes care of the legal obligations related to the store and other obligations defined by itself. If you want to complain or return the product, you should contact the online store from which the product was ordered.
Bank charges
You can use the payment buttons of all Finnish banks. You can pay with the payment buttons of Aktia, Danske Bank, Handelsbanken, Nordea, Oma Säästöpankki, Osuuspankki, POP bank, Säästöpankki, S-banken and Ålandsbanken. Your account statement shows Checkout Finland Oy as the payee, we will forward your payment to the online retailer. From the online store, you will be directed directly to your own bank to make the payment securely.
Checkout Finland also offers the option to pay with a bank transfer form.
Credit card payments
You can pay in the online store with Visa, Visa Debit, Visa Electron, MasterCard, Debit MasterCard and American Express cards. The online store uses the international Verified by Visa, MasterCard SecureCode and American Express SafeKey authentication services.
Checkout appears as the payee on the card invoice and forwards the customer's payment card payment directly to the merchant. Payment by card is made using a securely protected payment form and the payment card information is not stored in the online store's systems.
Mobile payment methods
Mobile payment methods Pivo, MobilePay, Masterpass and Siirto are services that work in the application, with which you can pay for online purchases as a bank transfer from your account or as a card payment from your card by accepting the payment in that application. Pivo also accepts Siirto payments, so you can accept the payment in any application that supports Siirto.
Terms of use are available on Pivo's website: pivo.fi/kayttoehott/pivon-kayttoehott
The payment terms are available on MobilePay's website: mobilepay.fi/asiakastuki/ehdot
Payment terms are available on the Masterpass website: masterpass.com/assets/pdf/masterpassoperatingrules.pdf
Conditions applicable to transfer payments:
OP's general euro payment terms
Terms of use of the transfer service at Nordea
Terms of use of the transfer service in S-Bank
GSM payment
Always pay
The service is based on the use of 060605 payment service numbers. Payment is made by calling the payment service number and following the voice announcements.
The price of the service is specific to the service number and includes the price of the product and the billing compensation related to the service. In addition to the price of the service, the customer pays a normal mobile phone fee in accordance with the pricing of their own mobile phone operator. GSM payment purchases are charged on the user's phone bill.
Restrictions on the use of the service / mobile phone connection:
- Single purchase up to €52.32 (incl. VAT)
- Purchases per month up to €100 (incl. VAT)
- Maximum of two purchases per day
- Does not work with prepaid subscriptions
More information: aina.fi
Invoice and installment services
Invoicing and partial payment services through Checkout are offered by OP, Collector and Jousto and. Collector also offers an invoice and installment payment option for business customers.
Please read the specific terms and conditions specific to the financing company, which you will see when you accept the payment. When you accept the payment, you also accept the finance company's terms and conditions.
Collector's business invoice terms are also available on their website: collector.se/upload/Partners/Agreements/CHECK/Credit_terms_All_comp_FI.pdf
You can see OP's invoicing and installment payment method consumer conditions here.
Read more about invoicing and installment payment methods: